Thursday, January 9, 2014

Icepocalypse December 2013

Three days after putting Brenda on a plane back to Michigan to enjoy some winter weather, we were subjected to 12 hours of freezing rain and drizzle.  We woke up to what looked like snow.  Not a snowflake fell but a ton of freezing rain did.

all the trees/bushes were covered in ice.

sliding down into the sand trap on hole #6

Ian and Travis

Travis and Logan

who's who?

I think I captioned this on Facebook as "I'm glad I was taking the picture"

This was our driveway - we started there and the moved to the golf course to slide.
Two days of school missed and we have those days to make up.  The kids had fun with it, but I sure wish it was snow so it was somewhat more enjoyable.  After the first day it was so slick that we couldn't even get out to slide because it was too difficult to get back up the hill.

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